The Xerox Colorqube
Many times when we have helped people find a new color copier we end up recommending Xerox’s Colorqube 8700XF, because it just seems to offer the widest range of options that end up accommodating the most diverse number of clients. If you are interested in finding a new color copier, you might want to consider the following features that the Colorqube can offer you and your office.
This one device offers printing, copying, scanning, faxing and stapling
It also has the capacity to input 3,000 sheets at a high speed
The ability to scan directly into Dropbox also comes standard with this state-of-the-art device
Both convenience stapling and integrated stapling are offered on the Colorqube
Not only does this copier come with all of these great options, but it also comes with a low cost per print rate and is reasonably priced at under $5,000
If this copier might be something your office would like to consider, or if you just need somebody to help you along in the wide world of copier, I would love to help your life easier. Please give me a call at (773) 897-5806 and we will get this process underway and help make your office’s life easier in the Chicago area.